Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Alwareness - January 2016 - Veiligheid/Safety

Safety the state of being "safe":1. secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk: a safe place.
2. free from hurt, injury, danger, or risk: to arrive safe and sound.
3. involving little or no risk of mishap, error, etc.: a safe estimate.
4. dependable or trustworthy: a safe guide.
5. careful to avoid danger or controversy: a safe player; a safe play.
6. denied the chance to do harm; in secure custody: a criminal safe in jail.

Being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational, or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm, or any other event that could be considered non-desirable. Safety can also be defined to be the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses. It can include protection of people or of possessions.
dictionary.com & wikipedia

36 ideas to be safer in 2016

1.Decide if it is appropriate for you to work on safety as an issue
2.Define for yourself what being safe feels like
3. What are the necessary components for your for feeling safe
4. Be aware if you only feel safe – alone,
5. at home,
6. with those you know/like
7. Make a second safety boundary
8. – When I am in a crowd, alone, in an alien environment, what would I need to feel safe?
9. Define any places where your second safety boundary applies
10. Define places you feel unsafe
11. times when you feel unsafe
12. conditions under which you feel unsafe
13. Talk about feeling safe
14.Learn how to
15.           Ground
16.           Centre
17.           focus
18.          manage pain
19.          breathe properly
20. Practise deep breathing
21. Learn how to take a full, quick breath in
22.                    consciously breathe out
23.                    use you breath to focus
24.                                              think
25.                                              ground
26.                                              centre
27.                                              stop panic
28            recognise, validate, translate the physical information your body gives you in sens'(e)'ation
29. Learn to stretch or some appropriate stretches for yourself
30. Always have money/resources to get home
31. Be prepared to go it alone
32. Better alone than in the wrong company
33. Be aware of your surroundings
34. Trust your instincts
35. Better safe/bored than sorry
36. When in doubt take a deep breath

Friday, 1 January 2016


May your feet hold u grounded and carry u lightly

May your ankles flex smoothly to lift you to your toes

May your knees bend with you and carry you strong

May your hips sway supply and cradle your pleasure

May your spine hold you straight and sustain your blalance

May your shoulders find time and space to relax under their burdens

May your arms hug, enfold, embrace

May your hands stroke, smooth, trickle, tickle, clasp

May your neck feel many kisses

May it nod your head often and shake it whenever necessary

May your lips purse frequently and pleasurably

May your mouth speak of bliss and laugh through challenges

May your nose inhale deeply, unwavering

May your eyes sparkle with tears of joy

May they weep copiously, without fear, as necessary

May all tightness within you ease

May breaths of healing flow deeply through you

May application, relaxation, comfort, joy, satisfaction, contentment

Await you in unexpected moments and corners of the coming year