Sunday, 4 October 2015

Realisation Alwareness theme September

In one form of Buddhism, Realisation is one of the four highest of ten states of life available to humans.
People un-awakened to their potential for enlightenment, never reach these four higher states. They reel through the four eternal sufferings of birth, illness, old age and death, tumbling between the lower worlds of hell, hunger, animality, anger, rapture and tranquillity, from moment to moment, year to year, decade to decade.
The stage just before, or in some reckoning, lower than realisation is learning.
To realise is to grasp or understand clearly or to make real; as in making a hope, fear, plan occurring in reality, The synonyms make the meanings of the word easier to grasp. To realise is to conceive, to comprehend and/or to accomplish. So within the one word is to think of something, understand it and carry it out.
It is said to be impossible to enter the world of realisation, I would say it is very difficult to realise anything without first learning.
The world above or following Realisation is that of Bodhisattva. A bodhisattva is a person who has attained Enlightenment, but who postpones entering Nirvana in order to help others to attain the same state. You could also call it the ability of perpetual selfless action.
I was taught that being educated meant that you knew where to go to find out information that you wanted or needed. Education should be about finding knowledge. After a certain amount of time trying to do research on the internet it is clear that if you want to find out what something is really about, books are still the best way to do it. Everyone raves about the Ted lectures but to my mind they are just another way of indoctrinating people into Americanising themselves. That means dumbing down as much as possible, doing as you're told, believing their lying hype and hatred for difference.
Learning is what takes us out of our narrow, mundane and ordinary lives, into a whole universe of possibilities. This is one of the reasons that access to education has been (for such a huge amount of our presented history), and is still, being denied to women and other perceived lower orders of people.
There are no lower orders of people as there are no better types of people. There are just humans, animals, bodhisattva's and buddhas. If you're not trying to learn, then the chances are you are an animal with moments of humanity.
The education system that we now have is a cryptic manner of keeping people ignorant or as animals. As I have said before, much of what is presented as learning and/or education are the narrow ideas of a group of European men whose forefathers burned and destroyed the greatest libraries the world has even known. Then add a thousand and more years of burning, torturing, suppressing and brutalising anyone and everyone who disagreed with their ideas. Murdering nay sayers is one of the best ways to make sure that everyone agrees with you.
I think it is clear that general academia is a load of crap because it is based on saying things as cryptically as possible. Real learning, real education is something that is accessible to anyone. If you have to say it in a way that only those of you in the 'in crowd' can understand, you can pretty much guarantee that a lot of it would be soundly contested when presented to those not of the chosen few. This has certainly been my experience in higher education.
Much of the foundation of our current knowledge and education system, certainly in the soft sciences, is based and decided on ideas which are a) unscientific and b) utter rubbish.
Higher education is the biased opinions of a group of people with access to every privilege possessing little common intelligence.
Up until very recently in Europe and to this day in many parts of the world a belief in the one man god is a necessity. Not believing in that restrictive and destructive idea means that any ideas, information or knowledge that one tries to present is immediately disqualified.
The determination to perpetuate - keep in place - a non humanistic society that uses the majority to provide unlimited wealth to 1% at the cost of the planet; through exploitation of people, animals and the physical attributes of the earth. This is all presented in our education systems as unavoidable, reasonable and/or necessary even in subjects which are supposed to be about being environmentally responsible.
Our responsibility as thinking human beings is to learn, to keep on learning and to find ways to act upon that which we learn. Only through consciously learning, not only what is presented to us as the truth ,but also by learning to hear and listen to our own internal truth and being prepared to follow that truth to action do we have any chance of realising a world that follows the planet's intention and intelligence, which is to provide enough for all to enjoy.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Alwareness - August 2015 - Feeding your body and spirit

For this month's column I made a list of 50 things to feed your spirit. I spoke briefly I hope about eating/feeding the body and said that what constitutes a healthy or planet nurturing diet choice is dependant upon where we live. That Western choices to see vegetarianism or veganism as the healthiest of most planet nurturing manner of eating is based on living in a mechanised urban structure and the same rules do not apply in any other space.

Dutch under the English

Have a pillow fight. 2. Sit in a garden;  3. Wrap yourself in silence. 4. Smell a scented rose. 5. Smell a baby.  6. Stroke your skin.  7. Focus on the meaning of love.  8. Be silly.  9. Think of possibilities. 10. Doodle.  11. Consciously relax your body. 12. Look at the sky for at least 5 minutes. 13. Examine a flower 14. Listen to a live instrument. 15. Watch the rain.  16. Make eye contact and smile at a stranger (give it three goes!) 17. Listen to a late summer evening.  18. Stare at the full moon. 19. Phone an (old) friend/relative  20. Kick through a mound of autumn leaves. 21. Make a snow angel. 22. Swim in a lake.  23. Stretch. 24. Sit or walk on the beach. 25. Have your feet rubbed or rub them yourself.  26. Tell a child your favourite story. 27. Spin your chakras. 28. Laugh, giggle; 29. Get on the floor  and play. 30. Stop whatever you are doing and breathe.    31. Make something beauty or see something beautiful. 32. Just for as long as you can forgive yourself – for everything. 33. Take a stroll at sunset. 34. Sing in the shower. 35. Listen to the wind or the ocean. 36. Have a conversation by candlelight. 37. Make a sand sculpture (with some friends). 38. Bake bread (by hand) 39. for a week read a poem every morning. 40. Finger paint. 41. Read a book 42. Dance spontaneously. 43. Play with a kitten or a puppy. 44. Play a game. 45. Listen for the voice of your highest self. 46. Be willing... 47. Find a garden where it's allowed and pick yourself some flowers. 48 Walk in a forest. 49. Whatever it is, let someone else do it. 50. Rub a piece of cotton velvet, silk, or real fur across your skin

1.Heeft u een kussengevecht. 2. Zit in een tuin. 3. wikkel jezelf in stilte. 4. Ruik een gerurende   roos. 5. Ruik een baby. 6. Aai je eigen huid. 7. Denk aan het betekening van liefde. 8. Doe iets flauw. 9. Denk aan mogelijkheden. 10. doodle. 11. Heel bewust ontspan je lichaam. 12. Kijk naar de hemel voor minstens 5 minutes. 13. Kijk heel good naar een bloem. 14. Luisteren naar  een live instrument 15. kijken naar de regen. 16. kijk een onbekende in de ogen en glimlach. 17. Luisteren naar een zomer avond. 18. Staren naar de maan. 19. Bel een oud vriend of familielid. 20 In de herfst schop een stapel bladeren. 21. Maak een sneeuw engel. 22. Zwem in een meer. 23. Rekken. 24. Zit of wandel op de strand. 25. Laat iemand je voeten maseeren of doe t zelf. 26. Vertel een kind je lievinglinst verhaal. 27. Je chakras doen drijven. 28. Lach en giechelen. 29. Speel op de grond. 30. Stop wat je aan t doen bent en adem. 31. Maak iets mooi or zie iets moois. 32. Voor zolang mogelijk vergeef je zelf – alles 33. Ga wandelen bij zonsondergang. 34. Zing in de douche. 35. Luisteren naar de wind of de zee. 36.Hou een gesprek met kaarslicht. 37. Maak een zand beeld (met vrienden) 38. Maak brood. 39. Voor een week lees een gedicht elk ochtend. 40. Verf met je vingers. 41. Lees een boek. 42. Dans spontaan. 43. Speel met een poes of hondje. 44. Speel een speletje.   45. Luisteren (uit) naar de stem van je hoogste zelf. 46. Bereid zijn... 47. Vind een tuin waar het mag en een bos bloemen plukken. 48. Wandel in een bos. 49. Laat iemand anders het doen. 50. Straal je huid met katoen fluweel, zeide of echt bont

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Easter Ishtar Oestara???

Death replaced sex - rebirth replaced fertility - Jesus/God replaced .............(see the picture)
​.......bunny rabbits and eggs....... ​(see the photo below)

​Make and share joy during this pagan festival of sex and fertility​

The story of Ishtar we have mostly through Gilgamesh who wished to bring her  rule to an end. Under names such as Ashtoreth, Anath, Asherah, Esther, The Queen of Heaven even Babylon or The Goddess Har and more, She is denigrated in the Bible and the people who turn repeatedly back to Her worship are brutalised and vilified.

Long ancient Babylonian prayers with numerous metaphors and liturgical phrases praising her were copied by Jewish priests on behalf of their god.

At the First Council of Nicaea the unification of the Christian faiths with the Roman empire began with talks. This lead to the annihilation of all the numerous other streams that flowed from the teachings of the Christ.

Many of the bishops who signed the treaty later wrote retractions, citing their treatment, towards the end of the council when  a majority was required. The letters cited overt pressure and threats banishment and violence were used to coerce their agreement. The two bishops of 250-318 individuals who held their ground were banished.

The story goes that the council was scheduled to take place just before a birthday or anniversary or maybe both of Constantine the Emperor of Rome. he wanted the council to agree with him thus enabling the dying empire to ride on the back of the obviously exploding Christian faith. A one headed empire funnels profits upwards.

Most disagreed that Jesus was actually divine, his mission and bearing were divine, demonstrating the divine potential within each individual. Individuals with divinity a hierarchy do not make.

The talks were delayed and lasted months with bishops whole retinues setting up house within the palace, which was clearly huge. So all of a sudden it is announced that in 1 or 2 days the Great party is to take place and anyone who doesn't agree has those 1 or 2 days to get ALL their shit outside of the city boundaries (which apparently took at least a day) under pain of at best forfeiting everything. So all but two signed the agreement and are said to have had an amazing blow out feast lasting many days.

Signed is signed, retractions, and there seem to have been a lot for so many to have survived (apparently they are in the vaults of the Vatican),at best get recorded for posterity.

I was sent this today

The tone is a touch offensive ( probably because it comes from Richard Dawkins) but,  I like the sentiment, so I'll repeat myself

​Make and share joy during this pagan festival of sex and fertility​

Negate the death cult - have thoughtful, worshipping, praising, sharing, sex - grow plants, nurture ideas and concepts, make sand sculptures - guard the planet .............
​.......bunny rabbits and eggs....... ​(I'd like to say wear bunny fur on your naked skin or give yourself an all over rub with it or have some bunny stew - but I don't want to offend anyone)
Make omelette's, soufflé, meringue, mousse - blow and paint egg

Incidently all the information in the above picture has been roundly and soundly debunked in the following article with lots of additional interesting info....

Friday, 27 February 2015

Overeating explained very simply

If it is made of pure, natural ingredients (not necessarily organic)
Tummy says:
Que rico

I TOLD you to STOP!
Out it comes......!!!

When there are a combination of additives, fillers, substitutes, funky chemicals
Tummy says:
Que rico






Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Journey cycle 14/15 No. 4 January

I started with Goddess work and craft and that has become the journeying cycle
What is Goddess Work - Voice and Craft?
Goddess = the planet, holism*, ‘All That Is’ - that which created, nurtures and protects us, (Mystic Law), the physical body (most commonly women’s)

Goddess work = learning how to be happy in ones body, on and with the planet. Connection. Creating a sense of holism, connecting with ‘All That Is’, learning to nurture, protect and create value*1 for oneself and others.
(Giving) Voice = Allowing yourself to make sounds, play with tones, find your own notes, to play with your voice as if it were a favourite toy. Sharing voice with others creates joy, Playing with our voices is freeing
Craft = the hands channel energy to create craft, allowing heart, mind, hand, eye to manifest beauty.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, creator/crafter).
Striving to create beauty feeds one
Arts and crafts are  Thought,  Heart/Passion/Feeling

The first journeying of 2015 was this afternoon and evening. it went on much longer than I had planned. But it is always a little more difficult to keep the boundaries clear when i hold them at my home.
For most of the last year we have been journeying is a small venue in the West of Amsterdam. It's a great little spot.
Every now and again there is a complication. Today's booking had not been confirmed, so I didn't want to risk it. The time before last I forgot my key and had to bring everyone back home to get it done and in time.
I'm still working on my self sabotage.
At the moment I have a dedicated small of group of 2 women who have committed to coming every month. the most I have had has been 7. The last 6 months I haven't done much publicity or advertising. I am still working a lot of it out. Seeing what works and what can be improved.
I would have given it up if it wasn't for Consuela, she has now brought Jasmine. C told me that it has helped her sort stuff for herself quicker than her practise of Nichiren Buddhism or her 12 step programs but it is an addition to both something that highlights and reflects/mirrors the communal truths and/or creates a bridge between them.
The dates of the journeys vary from month to month. Every day is a special day! We decided on a Sunday afternoon as the best time. I have held them on Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun nights, Sat afternoon and Sun afternoon. There are usually a lot of gatherings on a Sunday so having 2 faithfuls is pretty good I think for only the second year. Mind you it could take me a while at this rate to build up a goodly following.
This one was on the day before full moon. It was the day of Hathor and Isis (according to one my daily Goddess correspondences!) and the beginning of the Gregorian year 2015.
The focus was on the elements with an emphasis on air and a de emphasis on fire. The meditation took us through air, water, earth and then around the body to bring conscious self healing into play.
We made cheese pasties to honour the cow Goddess and crafted a message for ourselves and of course we feasted. Today I made red soup, left over sauces, most of a jar of paprika spread from the Turkish shop and of course an onion to get it all going! - Should probably put them in the recipes!
The food/feast at the end of the work is possibly the most favourite time of the participants. Without underestimating the benefit of the journeying in itself. I learn so much from each of the participants about myself and slowly to begin to trust and listen to 'the gift'.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Journeying explanation

Journeying is a structured form of meditation the idea is to enable the 'traveller' to reach a deep level of relaxation. There is a goal or destination with a theme connected to the time of the year. It is believed that in deep relaxation, it is possible to re or de program ourselves away from negative traits, habits, thoughts etc towards healing*1 physical and emotional issues.

In a state of deep relaxation the body will employ it's homeostatic*2 nature to address the physical and psychological areas which are imbalanced. The return of balance is healing

Many experience problems sleeping. Most of us at one time or another have either not been able to sleep or slept badly because we 'can't turn our head off'. During the journeying a 'program' is created that can be utilised at any other point in our daily lives to bring about a feeling of relaxation which in turn reduces stress and tension

*1 Healing (literally meaning to make whole) is the process of the restoration of health from imbalance, disease or damage to the resumption of normal functioning. Behavioural, physical, cognitive or perceptual issues are resolved to the degree that one is able to lead a normal or fulfilling existence without being overwhelmed by physical or psychopathological phenomena. This process increasingly involves traditional/spiritual approaches.  Wikipedia.

*2 Homeostasis the tendency of a system, especially the physiological system of higher animals, to maintain internal stability, owing to the coordinated response of its parts to any situation or stimulus that would tend to disturb its normal condition or function.
2. Psychology  a state of psychological equilibrium obtained when tension or a drive has been reduced or eliminated.