Sunday, 4 January 2015

Journeying explanation

Journeying is a structured form of meditation the idea is to enable the 'traveller' to reach a deep level of relaxation. There is a goal or destination with a theme connected to the time of the year. It is believed that in deep relaxation, it is possible to re or de program ourselves away from negative traits, habits, thoughts etc towards healing*1 physical and emotional issues.

In a state of deep relaxation the body will employ it's homeostatic*2 nature to address the physical and psychological areas which are imbalanced. The return of balance is healing

Many experience problems sleeping. Most of us at one time or another have either not been able to sleep or slept badly because we 'can't turn our head off'. During the journeying a 'program' is created that can be utilised at any other point in our daily lives to bring about a feeling of relaxation which in turn reduces stress and tension

*1 Healing (literally meaning to make whole) is the process of the restoration of health from imbalance, disease or damage to the resumption of normal functioning. Behavioural, physical, cognitive or perceptual issues are resolved to the degree that one is able to lead a normal or fulfilling existence without being overwhelmed by physical or psychopathological phenomena. This process increasingly involves traditional/spiritual approaches.  Wikipedia.

*2 Homeostasis the tendency of a system, especially the physiological system of higher animals, to maintain internal stability, owing to the coordinated response of its parts to any situation or stimulus that would tend to disturb its normal condition or function.
2. Psychology  a state of psychological equilibrium obtained when tension or a drive has been reduced or eliminated.

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