Saturday, 13 August 2016

An Unexpected Love - a piece by Heli St Luce

I fell in love with my body today
Stopped looking at it for a moment through the world's eyes
That compare and judge, criticise, condemn and despise
I felt it's strength of muscle and bone
The warmth of my skin, it's shades, it’s tones
The fact that it takes by yielding gives in receiving, soft, lush, pliable
I liked for the first time in all my years that my hands
Sink into my tummy and almost disappear
Hands that shape, mould, strain
To re create that which has been destroyed, build it up again
These hands encircled and cradled
As praise for the way that they pull me through the haze
They form order in the chaos and soothe the craze
My hands in my tummy are stroked as they stroke, held as they hold
My body is amazing.
If I think of all the things it can do. How it carries this heavy mind in warmth
My body is an angel to me
For though it's very visible it's something that I rarely see
I don't want to look and when I do, I see, to my ire
It doesn't fit the perfect shape to which I should aspire. It's wrong.
It reflects my love of the sedentary, the imaginary, it reflects my love of food
It's skin shows; that my ancestors were, (and still are by some)
thought of as animals or lesser, lower beings,
Some assume I'm stupid and can't access finer feelings
My hair shows that despite these beliefs, many of the higher order
Were very keen to fuck those of the animals they didn't work to death or slaughter.
My body has shapes that don't fit, can't sit, over fill, stretch and strain
But it makes love and it cuddles and it laughs so loud,
It has hairs where they choose to grow a silly fact of which I‘m proud
It's is not perky but it is firm, it’s cushioned, fleshy, squishy
It is a body of the most  ancient Goddess figurines
For many thousand years this body was a worshipped form
From the honour to this body some say the earliest societies were born
It is a primeval woman's body not a maiden's, nor a boys
It can only hope to be loved by a fearless warrior for the Goddess
One who embraces peril and adventure for their joys
Who holds their breath to plumb the depths, strives to rise to fresher skies on an unknown shore
These and many mysteries my body holds in store.
Today I fell in love with my body
The feeling faded after a short time, drawn away by thoughts, reverie, contemplation
But it felt so good, those few short moments of internal animation
I'm going to do it again as soon as I may, it comes unbidden,
I hope it stays

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